Sunday, July 16, 2006


S. and I went to the play, Marion Bridge, last night. It was excellent. The three women in the play are friends of ours and we've seen them in plays before but they were really amazing in Marion Bridge. The roles were perfect for each individual woman. There is no way they would be able to switch roles. It's only playing till the end of July. Melissa is a blueberry grower and she'd never be able to do the play in August and Christina is going to the middle East in August to teach for two years. If anyone has the opportunity to see this trio perform this critically acclaimed play, run don't walk to The Arts Guild in Charlottetown.

Music for today: Ain't it Funny, a really moody song from kd lang that I found this week from the album Drag. I love these moody ballads and who does them better? Something from the Moody Blues is appropriate too - The Actor.

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