The weather is the main topic of conversation around the Maritimes these days. Not only are we in the midst of an intense heat wave but we are expecting to be directly hit by Hurricane Earl on Saturday. I've had two days off this week and made it a point to enjoy the summer weather because with my intense work schedule these last few months, I had basically missed the season.
Today I went to the beach and the above photo is the first thing I saw when I got out of my car. I didn't have time to get a better shot of the eagle and was happy this one turned out at all. I arrived before noon and as the sun is lower in the sky these days, the beach was actually in shade and there was a lovely breeze. I took a nice long walk as the tide was low and it wasn't really suitable for swimming. It was, in one word, glorious. I planned to go back for a swim this afternoon but did not rise to the occasion. It is really stifling with a temp of 30 degrees and high humidity.... plus I am waiting for company.
Later when it is cooler I am planning to clear off the deck in preparation for the hurricane. It is the only chance I'll have to do it. I am hoping we don't get a lot of damage. When the leaves are still on the trees like they are now, more damage can occur. Since I am surrounded bytrees, I have a concern.
Here are a couple of songs to remind you of the rainy, windy weather we may be experiencing here on the coast in a couple of days. Hurricane Earl is nearing the US east coast at the moment and so if you're down that way it is appropriate for you today. Here is Jo Dee Messina with Bring on the Rain and lovely Odetta with Blowin' In the Wind. I will accept whatever comes our way as I'll be prepared enough, I hope. Whether we are hit straight on or not we will, nonetheless, get lots of rain and wind.
We're watching Earl, too. They say the part of Maine that it will affect the most is where we live - on the coast, Downeast. I hope both of us fare well!
I'm in a huge sweat from working out on the deck. Needed a break from it. Yes, Carol, I hope we both weather the weather.
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