It is about time I fulfill that promise of an update. I had waited for some new photos from a visit with my daughter and granddaughter but they left a week ago tomorrow. Summer is moving right along and I'm trying to cram every bit into it.
Spring was cold and wet on Prince Edward Island this year and there was an extremely late start to the summer sunshine. We've had some beautiful days but none in very long of a stretch. One hardly has to water the deck flower pots and that is usually unheard of. I've had a hard time getting them dry enough so that I can add the required fertilizer.
There is always a silver lining. Vegetable gardens and farmer's fields are very lush, green and growing amazingly well. My garden has been magnificent and most I've seen are. Not having to water anything is a time saver even with the difficulty getting flowerpots fertilized. It is nice to not have dead plants from too much sunshine.
The landscape is so beautifully lush. With some exceptions, farmers don't have a lot to complain about this year. I think there will be a great harvest if we don't get a wet end of summer and autumn. Too much of a good thing is not advisable here.

Baby ducks hatched on the pond this year on the mother's first try. Usually nests are robbed a few times before a duck is successful but this year, nature was kind. The ducks are big already, which is nice for a change. You know they will be so much stronger at migration time.

My usual cre8ive/art self is on summer break. Groups, mine included, quite often disband for the summer. Some years I am inspired to stay busy but not so much this summer. I made some earrings or a necklace when I had to but have not felt particularly inspired. I am spending time in nature whenever I can and continue to walk. Walking beaches is not such a bad substitute for painting, do you not agree?. Last year at work I filled in for an injured co-worker and basically missed the summer so I am enjoying this one very much. Rain never bothers me so even rainy days I spend some time outside.
I had another reunion with the roommates from my college days - from 39 years ago. We had our first one in Moncton two years ago in August and had such a good time we had another, again in Moncton. Next time, the event is taking place here. We have a really wonderful time together and find that we haven't changed a bit as far as our old habits. I'm still the one that is early to bed and early to rise with the others staying awake late into the night. It's really fun to experience.

My daughter and newest granddaughter spent a fair amount of time on the island in the spring and one week so far this summer. I have been happily baby-sitting when I can and am really enjoying being with a six month old. This little pansy has a beautiful spirit and still smiles and laughs more often than not. My daughter was blessed with this one.

We are babysitting a cat this summer too. Alma has been here more than a month and will stay a month or two longer while my son's house is renovated. We've all gotten along very well and she has been a wonderful addition to the household. She is a lot like Clarke in her looks but she is very tiny, whereas Clarke was a regular sized male. She likes to play in the middle of the night but no one plays with her so I am hoping she will give up on us and let us sleep.

Life is grand, as it should be. I have no complaints. My children, grandchildren and I are healthy and happy. We continue to experience friends and relatives passing on, as is the way, but new babies are being born too. We welcomed a new boy into our family this week, the first that continues the family name for this generation. To be mindful of every moment and live the best I can is all I want to do. I'm having fun doing it too. What's going on with you?