It's long past time for a summer update don't you think! I do apologize for my neglect in updating here but I've been as busy as the proverbial bee. I do maintain a daily presence on my Shutterchance blog where I get some feedback from the community that has formed there. I am nearing my 2000th post in that space.
I've been having an outright great summer. The weather has been perfect for an avid outdoor naturalist like myself for getting out and about. Every day has been filled with fair winds and sunshine . We are extremely lacking in rainfall so I would never say the weather has been good. Each day has been hot and dry since early or mid June. I experienced a five minute rainfall at a friends house 10 days ago that we did not receive here. Conditions are extremely dry and agriculture is suffering, even home gardeners like myself. We need some rain and soon.
The weather has been utterly perfect for the beach which I have taken great advantage of. I have been enjoying it immensely this year. I got to go to the beach twice with my two grandchildren from Ontario. That was extra special.

The whole family was home for a family wedding; the first of 'the ..... cousins' to get married. We had an awesome time at the wedding and we had a big family dinner on the following day. All three children and their partners and all three grandchildren were around the table. It was the highlight of my summer to say the least. I will be welcoming another grandchild in early September so the next time we are all together will be a first in our family again. These are exciting times.

Besides hanging out on the beach every chance I get, I have also been painting and crafting, making art, taking an average of 200 photos a day, as well as the usual daily schedule. I am wearing my camera (and maybe myself) out and need a new one but can't afford a luxury like that. I've taken lots and lots of flower shots this summer so to leave, I will share one with you, as a reminder of my wish, for some rain. This shot was taken after the mentioned five minute shower I witnessed twenty miles from here last week. I hope you are all having a great summer too.