I am sending a plea for rain. I know folks in England who would gladly spare a few liters. I would trade a bit of the heat we are having to them as well; but for only a few days at a time. Even things out a bit. We are parched here in the eastern part of PEI. I spent a week in Nova Scotia and it was perfect - hot days and rainy nights and a rainy day. PEI got only a little of the rain from that system.

Grain has ripened early and combines are already on the land. The grains are very small from lack of moisture at critical periods in the growth cycle. The resulting low weights from the upcoming harvest will make it more expensive to feed cattle and make flour. We've never experienced such dry conditions in the Maritimes, not in my lifetime anyway.

One upside of the hot dry summer has been flowers. There has been no rain to mess with them and blooms have held beautifully. My vegetable gardens have poor yields because I did not water but pots that have been watered have done really well. The lilies are out right now and my favorite is this pale beauty that has blooms beautifully every year. I don't know the name of it anymore but it is an outstanding flower.

So, If you have any rain to spare, face Atlantic Canada and blow some in. The ground and everything on it needs a good bath.