My daughter and her family visited over the May long weekend and what a wonderful and completely delightful weekend I had! My favorite age for babies is 9 months and that happens to be the age of my grandson right now; and who doesn't love a girl who is almost two and a half.
We took a trip to the pick-your-own tulip field on Monday and we really enjoyed that. It was evident from the amount of cars in the parking lot and people in the fields that we had a chosen a popular outing for the holiday.
The prices were ten tulips for six dollars or as many as you could put in their standard bucket for twenty dollars. I chose the twenty dollar option and we picked the most beautiful bucket of happiness that money could buy.
It was hard to watch people having to choose their ten tulips. There are thousands of gorgeous blossoms in front of you and each one seemingly more beautiful than the next. Choosing only ten would be too difficult a job for me.
My granddaughter enjoyed herself immensely but never did get the idea of pulling the whole tulip out. That is not a job made for tiny hands. Hers flowers tended to be very short with only a two or three inch stem.
I had a wonderful time in the early evening arranging vases with the the gorgeous tulips we had picked in the afternoon. On Sunday, the day before, I had picked tulips and daffodils from my garden and had made five arrangements. You can imagine that every surface of my house is filled with blossoms.
It's funny you don't ever want your kids to grow up but once they do, and bring you home grandchildren, you are glad they did and that they turned out to be such great parents. This post is for my wonderful, special blossom, my Petunia, my only daughter. She has always been the sweetest blossom in my bouquet.