Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring It Is!

 Even though I maintain other blogs, I admit to not updating here very often.  This was my first blog but due to personal security issues I stopped posting here so often.  I am still cre8ive1 and do some kind of art every day and work at a job I love.

It is finally spring after a very long winter in Atlantic Canada.  The frogs started chirping in my pond yesterday and that is a first sign of spring for many people. I know on the CBC radio program, Weekend Mornings with Stan Carew, frog sounds are recounted and recorded.  For some it is when the first robin is sighted. I have fruit trees so I get skinny winter robins all winter.  Fat robins that have been feeding on rich southern fare have returned to their old nests too. For me, when the first heron returns to the pond I rejoice and write it's arrival on my calendar.  I also have a garden calendar that is 30 years old.  I plan in writing in it soon after having readied some soil yesterday. I have been doing these rituals and more for thirty year, at this pond I call my home.

The herons returned on the 11th of April this year, about average for the winter I'd say with all of North America getting such an old fashioned winter. I even had a visit from a few geese for a time. Lambs have been coming for more than a month at the farm next door and I got this little one trying to hide behind it's mother the other day when I went to visit.

I haven't seen my grandchildren except through Skype all winter and I am itching for some real hugs and kisses, not just Skype ones.  I was telling someone recently that when I was a kid, the furthest I could dream when thinking of the future was of  the day when we could see each other while talking on the phone.  That was so far-fetched at the time.  I thought it was the ultimate!  It has turned out to be as neat as I thought it would be too. I am so thrilled to see my grandchildren growing up in front of my eyes.  We sing together, dance together and make funny faces.  I had a grandmother who lived far away when I was a child.  She came every couple of summers and that was the only time I saw her.  My two sets of grandchildren will never have that almost fear of this mythical being.  I truly love Skype.

I plan to see my daughter and her family in May and my son's far away-family in June. They live in Seattle now, even further away. In September everyone will be together again for a very special occasion, my daughter's wedding. This will be a wonderful event. She has been greaming about it her whole life I think.

 My son and his wife had a wedding of just the two of them and witnesses they picked up at their villa - in Greece. It was well planned.  My DIL's mother made her dress and everything was organized in advance. In an honour to them, the mayor attended as it was the first wedding ever on the beach in this particular town.  They had a party three months later in Ontario where they lived.  It was an awesome event and we were all there.  Enough reminiscing. I started this yesterday and had to change all my today's to yesterdays so I'd better get out of here.

One last thing though. Purrl and Ruby will be a year old on the 9th of May.  They have been a delightful pair of kittens to get to know.  I changed my study/studio around and now the computer shares a big old library table with a lovely soft, folded blanket to it's right that is usually holding a cat or two . We've had a sweet, cozy winter.

One more last thing.  I now have a blog on Tumblr and it is linked at top right on this page and here it is the easy way so you don't even have to move your Eyes. Part Two Partout Par 2

Happy Spring Everyone! Enjoy every dandelion!