It has been a very long time since I've been here, though it has not been through idleness. I've been very busy. First I was working long hours and had no day off. My partner broke her ankle and the doctor said she could come back in mid August . The date is now moved to September first.
My first day off was the day my son and his family arrived for a vacation. You can imagine how busy I was cleaning the whole house, doing a massive amount of laundry, putting fresh sheets on the beds and moving my sleeping quarters to another bedroom. I was exhausted by the time they arrived. After a sleep it was time to get to the beach as I had promised that to the grand-kids last vacation, when it rained their whole trip. My granddaughter had her arm in a cast which was tough but she had a wonderful time as did her brother.

At the end of the week we all went to Nova Scotia. I went a day before the rest, to help my daughter. She was graduating from her studies on Friday and planning a family barbecue to follow the ceremony. I helped her prepare food and got to spend some time in her gorgeous house on a lake. It was a beautiful spot for an event and had a great sunset to boot.

Because I had to work today, I returned to the Island last night, while everyone else had another barbecue, this time at the ex's . Still, it was wonderful to have the whole family together for a few short days and with something to celebrate to boot. It had been two years. Life is Sweet and Natalie Merchant says so too. I was a happy mother and grandmother. I worked hard and waited long for this holiday. There's a song for that too of course, Holiday by James McMurtry.
I'll try to check in again soon. I have regularly scheduled time off, not a lot, but some. Hope everyone is having a great summer. It's passing by quickly but I think it's going just swell!