Sunday, November 11, 2012

Trans forming

 Peek a boo

We are deep into autumn and winter is soon upon us. It is Remembrance Day and thankfully we had good weather.  Churches changed the times of their services to accommodate those gathering at the cenotaph  for Remembrance Day services at 11am.  There was a huge turn-out, larger than ever before.  We missed the usual bad weather associated with today by one day, as yesterday the whole of the Maritimes endured a terrible storm. I certainly had things blown around my place, ferry service was stopped early in the day throughout the region, and it was truly awful. My compost bin got blown down a hill and in such weather it was hard for me to get it back up and home.

I had a great event happen recently.  I babysat my almost 22 month old granddaughter while her parents were attending a destination wedding.  I had the time of my life.  We have the same bed time and I woke at 5:30, her about 6:45. We got along just wonderfully and had a great time outside.  I got tons of chores done in between running through and being buried by leaves, climbing mountains, riding a horse, (some of these things are imaginary) walking with a stroller, and laughing my head off.  I truly had one of the best times of my life.  I broke no mummy rules and fed her like the horse she ate like.  Her mother was the same way.  She always ate more than the two boys.

I took her out for her 1st Halloween, got photos of her with her 2 month old brother down the road at Poppy and Nanny's, and to five other places, three of them relatives, two friends.  It had been quite a few years since I had taken a child out for Halloween. It was really fun and I got to eat all the junk because she wanted only the apple and orange.

In this shot she is holding her pig and getting off her horse. Each time she got into position on the horse, she yelled, at the top pf her lungs, "Hold on!!!" Then she would jump off, run down the hill both of us laughing, then up the hill and do it all over again.

Most of all we sang and danced.  She can carry a tune and I had taught her to hum three months ago so it was easy to get her singing along and dancing to music that wasn't the normal kid's music.  I taught her choruses and we danced till my arms got tired which was often.  She is heavy!

We are lucky in the Maritimes to have had a decent fall.  We got the rain we sorely needed but no major storms (or hurricanes) and none of the cold or snow that the west has received. It could all change very quickly so tomorrow is the day I will finish my fall chores. I will not have the pleasure of rolling down hills and riding horses during tomorrow's work but will hold my most recent time deep in my memory and heart.

I am posting on An Island Walk again, one photo a couple of times a week rather than three every day. I do post every day on my Shutterchance blog.  I am passing on a special link to you today. You'll thank me later. Bflat is going to have you havin' some fun! I could go on and on about this and the source and my love for this concept. Cre8ivity at it's best! I watched the sponge my granddaughter was and lead her on make believe and pretend adventures with our music, toys, and imagination.  She is a new muse and how exciting is that! I'm still cre8ing every day, keeping active in many, many ways.


Ingrid said...

Yes, I am a grandma since 2 years, of a little boy named Toby. I don't see him very often, because he lives in Amsterdam. But on Saturday we will celebrate his 2nd birthday there. Cute pictures !

Ginnie Hart said...

This entire post is so soulful, Cuidado, and totally delightful. I can't believe the Bflat link. OMG!

Cuidado said...

Gattina, It is great being a grandma. I love it. Glad you and your kitties are still around!

Cuidado said...

Ginnie, Thanks for feeling my soul in there. I am loving B flat in more ways that I can explain here. If we Skype again, perhaps.

Bob Bushell said...

A nice autumnal walk with the child and grandma.

DWei said...

Sounds like a fun time! Though you guy are lucky that you can spend time outdoors, everything over on this side of Canada is covered in a thick blanket of snow. :(

Cuidado said...

Thanks, Bob. We had a blast.

Cuidado said...

DWei, I know. I have friends out west who keep showing pictures of snow. We are 15 today but this won't last forever.

Bob Bushell said...

The little girl is lovely, the smile is enough for me, beautiful.

Cuidado said...

She's coming for Christmas!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Sweet Kiddies!! Adorable!
and Oh I really like this bflat site.. so cool! Thanks so much for the link..
Best of the season to you!!

Cuidado said...

Bflat is great and I am having such a fine time with the kiddies. The baby is four months and the girlie will be two in two weeks. Great ages. Best to you and the family, Gwen

friv said...

Feeling nice to walk around the grandchildren. Cheerful with child and grandmother performed a beautiful autumn walk.