I still haven't taken my pictures off of my camera so will add a few questions from the meme.
Three new things you want to try in the next 12 months:
Simplify my life
See my grandchildren; one I have never seen yet
Find a new house and sell the one I am in and love.
Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):
Mutual respect
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Music? at last?
I'm not sure how this is going to work but I really want to put music on my blog. If this works you should be able to press the link and have the music work. Let's give it a try.
The song is one I mentioned earlier. It is an old jive song completely and wonderfully changed by a fabulous vocalist named Renee Olstead. Just press the link.... www.putfile.com/cuidado/is-you-is>
The song is one I mentioned earlier. It is an old jive song completely and wonderfully changed by a fabulous vocalist named Renee Olstead. Just press the link.... www.putfile.com/cuidado/is-you-is>
Well, we heard lots of great music this weekend, didn't drink too much, and got plenty of sleep so I'd say we had a very sucessful weekend. A couple of highlights......went to the 72 hour jam to kill time before the next event and the Cheveries, friends of mine were playing. I had never heard them sing on stage so that was such a pleasant surprise. A special highlight is that I accompanied a friend for her first "night out"after suffering a stroke a month ago. We saw Dave Gunning, JP Cormier (probably a relative), and The Barra MacNeills at the Main Stage. My friend was on the Make Poverty History committee, who was sponsoring the show.
A couple of the events we had planned to attend were sold out thus there were a couple of people I wanted to see but didn't. Oh well, next time. A great weekend over all! I may post some photo's later after I see them on the computer screen.
A couple of the events we had planned to attend were sold out thus there were a couple of people I wanted to see but didn't. Oh well, next time. A great weekend over all! I may post some photo's later after I see them on the computer screen.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Stopping For a Lick
Three of your everyday essentials:
My one expresso coffee a day
Peace in my home
A cat
Three things you are wearing right now:
A brown sweater
Beige corduroy pants my daughter gave me so that I'd look cool
My red Crocs
I can be so sexy.
Three favourite bands/artists of the moment:
The Waifs
Earth, Wind and Fire
Lila Downs
Three of your favourite songs of the moment:
Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby performed by Renee Olstead
I have many versions of Besame Mucho but am currently enamoured by the music on Lila Down's version
Give Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On performed by kd lang

In obligatory cat picture, Kenz and Clarke are having a little boxing match. No winner was declared.
Tried a four cheese grated cheese mix for last night's lasagna. Really tasty but the house smells like parmesan gheese which is not too pleasant. My nephew even commented on it last night when he came in.
ECMA's start today. Should be a fun weekend!!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I need help with blogging
If anyone can help here, it would be appreciated. Pictures are not going where I put them in my post. For instance, the cat picture at the top of the last postwas supposed to appear at the end.
I also want to put songs with a post and do not know how. Maybe blogger is the wrong place.
Also a couple more meme questions....
Three things that scare you:
George Bush
Three favorite foods:
I also want to put songs with a post and do not know how. Maybe blogger is the wrong place.
Also a couple more meme questions....
Three things that scare you:
George Bush
Three favorite foods:
I wish I had a river

And for the obligatory cat picture.........
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
A great day!

Thought I'd add a photo of all three kitties......Kenz, Bella and a profile of Clarke.
Where is my post?
I just spent a half hour or so writing and adding photos and the post is not on my blog. I will post this and if it goes to the right place I will redo the original. Weird.

These pictures are on backward to how I wanted them but it will have to do. I wanted to introduce you to Clarke then show Clarke and Kenz together. Anyway, the 3rd photo is Clarke, Clarkie, Clarkie Malarky. He is my daughter's cat and was 1 yr. old on Dec. 23rd. Kenz and Bella will be 8 on Aug 1st.
The second photo shows the Clarke and Kenz at one of their favorite places on a pole above the deck.. When Clarke first moved here in May he could get up there but not down. He isn't the most agile of cats. The girls are like acrobats in the trees and actually jump from tree to tree....but not Clarke. He falls out of trees and gets stuck in their tops. He was missing for three full days and nights last summer and I finally found him at the top of a tree in the woods, too scared to get down.
The first photo is of Chicky Bella. She goes by two names. My kids call her Chicky and I call her Bella.....too long a story! The photo is taken through a dirty window. She doesn't pose for pictures as much as the other two so I have little to choose from for her but tons of the other two.
I've completed a meme survey and thought I'd stick a couple of the questions and answers up each day. I would like readers to answer the same questions in the comments section if they would like. We'll get to know each other better before we get intimate. Ha, ha. So here goes with the first couple.
Three things you like about yourself:
My dependability
My sense of humour
My love of colour
Three things you dislike about yourself:
That I was disloyal to a friend
My inability to be as nurturing as a mother can be
That I have become cynical about love.
Monday, February 20, 2006
What does it all mean?

It has been a very strange week. Every day last week, I heard bad news. One person was in a terrible accident after visiting her father in hospital after he had a heart attack. A friend from NYC lost her partner of many years, a friends son OD'd on pills at a party, my daughter's friend had emergency surgery, and another friend is looking after her dying cousin's child.........and to top it all off two people I know died. What a week!
I'm hoping this week is kinder.
The East Coast Music Awards (ECMA's) are happening this weekend in Charlottetown and I plan to attend as many events as I can. I will stay in Charlottetown for the weekend, leaving the care of my kitties to my daughter.
My son is coming home from University this week for his spring break. It will be nice to have a hug from my big guy. I miss him.
I must introduce you all to the precious kitties. Today you get a close up of Ms. MacKenzie, usually known as Kenz. I have figured out how to get pictures on here and hope I can figure out how to put music on this blog. Anyone know how?
Anyway to a kinder week...........
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