Monday, December 22, 2008

December Storm Day

We are in the midst of a serious storm - snow and high winds, in other words a blizzard. We were expecting it so everything on the Island is pretty well shut down and lots of people have stayed home and indoors. It's a great day for wrapping gifts, baking and cleaning. I cleaned and organized a few things. The power was out for a few hours but not long enough that I had to light the wood stove. My son made it to work and planned on picking up any employees who couldn't make it in. If he fails to make it home tonight he has a place to stay in walking distance from his work.

My daughter is spending her first Christmas away from her family this year. I gave ornaments to my kids each year so that when they had their first Christmas away they would still have something from home. I sent her all her beautiful angels to decorate her first tree. Her "inlaws" have arrived to spend Christmas with her and her boyfriend, their son. I miss her and can hardly imagine her loveliness and liveliness to not be amongst us this year.

For her today is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Victoria Williams and some blues cause she likes the blues. Here's I Want My Baby For Christmas by Jimmy Liggins and His Drops of Joy.


Ocean said...

i need my mommy

Cuidado said...

Awwwwww! Thank goodness for telephones, eh? I'll call when you get home from work. Did you go to the hockey game?

nan said...

That is a gorgeous photo! Wow! Wishing you a very happy Christmas!