I've heard from the Web Sheriff. I am to stop posting Van Morrison songs. I read about this on another blog but didn't think about it when I was matching music for the day's post on An Island Walk. Here is the comment/letter.
I don't consider the music pirated when I own the album it comes from. What do you think?WEB SHERIFF
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080
Hi Cuidado / Christine,
On behalf of Exile Productions and Exile Publishing, we would kindly ask you not to post pirate copies of Van Morrison albums / tracks on your site.
We do appreciate that you are fans of / are promoting Van, but Exile would greatly appreciate your co-operation in removing your links to the pirate files in question.
For your readers’ info, up-to-the-minute info on Van’s latest album - Keep It Simple - and 2008 shows is, of course, available on www.vanmorrison.com and www.myspace.com/vanmorrison and, for a limited period, you can still see Van's exclusive BBC sessions at http://www.bbc.co.uk/musictv/vanmorrison/video/ . We’re also pleased to announce that an increasing archive of exclusive film footage of Van Morrison performances has now been made available for fans on Exile’s official YouTube channel at http://uk.youtube.com/user/OfficialExileFilms.
As you will appreciate, this e-mail is written on a without prejudice basis and, as such, all of our clients' accumulated, worldwide rights and remedies remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required formality.
With Thanks & Regards,
I apologize for the infrequent posts. I am experiencing very strange sleep patterns and am not up at my usual 5:30. I am up at 4:00 am however but go back to bed for much needed sleep. I do the best I can. Even the photo blogs have been difficult. It has been raining all month - not great weather to be out with a camera.
Music today will not be Van Morrison. Actually it seems there won't be music from Putfile today. I'll try the method I used a few weeks ago when Putfile failed. Maybe they got a letter from the Web Sheriff too.
Here's a couple I wanted to post but are already up: Walkin' After Midnight and Working Sunday. Here's something new: Kenny White with How Long and Lizz Wright with Trouble.