I'm already waiting for my day off. I have things to do, people to see..... With appointments in town on both days off, I feel I didn't get a day off. I've not really been to the beach yet. The above photo of my son was taken when we all went to the beach between rain showers when my other son and his family were here. We all had long sleeves and jackets - not my idea of a beach day. It's amazing that I live on this beautiful island surrounded by beaches and I rarely get to the beach in the summer. Is it possible I work to much.
Oren Lavie has an interesting sound with a full orchestra as back-up in his song, The Opposite Side of The Sea. I featured another of his songs, Her Morning Elegance here in May. I got a lot of response from that song on another blog, with a friend from Scotland rushing out to buy his album after hearing it. Thes second song today is a well covered Jimmy Cliff song Many Rivers to Cross. Oleta Adams does a great job with it. I had it up at one time by The Waterboys and really like their version too. Maybe I'll get it up again one day. I still haven't fixed the days the music was broken a couple of weeks ago.
I do love Oleta Adams and try to feature her every now and again myself. Thanks for joining in!
I like this song so much and she does a great job. I like her website too.
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