It is my sister-in-laws birthday today and my sister's was two days ago. My sister-in-law is like a sister and I think that it's neat that their birthday is two days apart with the way our family has multiples on birthdays so often. I gave them each two cd's that were very personal from me to them. I find it very satisfying to do this. Music can say my feelings so much better than I can with words. Sis-in-law has been incredible to help me so much this winter, cheerfully driving me places and keeping my spirits up. My sister is coming for two weeks to take care of me after I return from hospital. I want to celebrate their love and kindness.
My oldest son has his flight booked to come while I have my surgery. About an hour after he sent an itinerary, I had a message from the OR booking department saying to call them as they had a booking change. All was well as they were only changing the time and date for my pre-surgery clinic as I had requested a consult with an anaesthetist. Gave me a bit of a scare though as I kept dialing their number and getting busy signal after busy signal. My daughter may be coming from Alberta this weekend and my other son returns from Boston on Sunday. It's going to be a busy household again.
I did not include this song on any of the four cds I made for my sisters because they are not dancers. I include it on every dance cd I make though as I spent the late eighties dancing to this great song. I made tapes then and made them often for women's events that we invariably ended with dancing. Just playing it now has me groovin' Here is Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves by Aretha and Annie Lennox - such a classic! Sticking with Aretha, I also have today, a song that I've been looking for on mp3 for years. I have it on cassette but wanted to be able to add it to playlists. Ralph, a new blogger friend, was pleased when I sent him some songs and asked if there was anything I was looking for. I certainly was and said so in a about a second. He quickly supplied it and I was thrilled to finally have a copy of Kind of Man. The song has nothing to do with sisters or birthdays but it's Aretha, which is fabulous in itself, and it is a fantastic ballad.
YESSS!!! Glad to help out, girl. I'm going to be doing some dance stuff on my page tomorrow. Maybe some Pointers Sisters....
I love the Pointer Sisters! I dance for exercise on days that I don't walk. Not moves you would see on a dance floor but you sure can get that heart pumping!
That's a fine looking cake!
It sure is. It was in a store in Moncton. I was providing dessert for a dinner at Monique's but did not buy that cake.
Chocolate and music, two gifts from the gods!
Add some booze and you've got heaven.
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