I have two friends with breast cancer. I went to a fundraiser for one on Saturday night and spent the afternoon with the other this afternoon. My sister-in-law and I had long planned a visit but didn't want to take up precious nap time. She is undergoing radiation treatments right now and has almost a 150 km round trip each day and is tired. When I called to see if a visit would be ok, she got really excited and said she would prepare a tea party. I insisted that this was not necessary but this woman, dynamo that she is, planned a great afternoon . She had invited another mutual friend who had recently lost her husband and whom I'd not seen since that event.
The afternoon was absolutely wonderful!!! Her husband left when she was showing us her breast saying that when his friends got together they had absolutely no desire to show each other their vasectomies. We told him that he just didn't understand and that it was his loss. We had some fun conversation and some serious conversation and we could feel the womanly bond that exists in our gender that is understood but can not be explained.
I think I've reached a new stage or joined a new club. I'm having a body part removed. It has nothing to do with age though as we get older more and more people join the club. I'm glad to find out the meetings are so much fun.
We need the Bob today. First, Just Like A Woman, one of his best known songs and then a live version of The Times We've Known from disk 6 of the bootleg, The Never Ending Tour.