Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hello There

I'm getting back into shape after 'the long, weird winter'. My daily shift at work averages walking sixteen kilometers. I've dropped a pant size in just a few weeks. Today is my first day off in eight days. I worked seven straight - nine and a half hours, sixteen kilometers a day. This is also my excuse for the lack of posts. I'm too tired when I get home and I'm just not into posting in the morning. Morning posting doesn't fit in well with my day. What I may do is to have some strictly musical posts on days that I'm tired.

My son will be happy tonight. I'm cooking chicken and ribs, made potato salad, Monday salad (a weird name for a salad I make, I know), asparagus for me, and have cleaned all day. All taken care of for him. His co-workers tell me they're thinking he will be in a great mood tomorrow.

I had a request for a song that has disappeared. I'm happy to bring back any song that has been removed. There were a couple of hundred removed and I posted every one of them because I liked them and wanted to share what I have. If I could only get my vinyl and cassettes into mp3's - then we'd be talkin'. I have some great old stuff.

What goes with the request, Every Little Bit Hurts by Ellis Hall? That's too funny to think about because did I mention I've walked about sixteen kilometers a day for the last seven? I could include today as well with the zooming I've been doing around here. This is my first glance at the computer since 8:30 or so this morning. Every Little Bit Hurts is an understatement. Here's a couple: When The Pain Dies Down, 500 Miles, My Hips Don't Lie, and I'll Run Your Hurt Away.

One More Day by The Wood Brothers is the new song for today. Listen to this song and hear what's been happening. One More Day is how much more off time I have. Worked here today and tomorrow is for me......the beach.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ma,
Talk to you this weekend. I am on vacation next week. Nothing big planned - just hanging in the backyard, maybe paint our front balcony, and stuff like that. I wasn't planning on taking the time off, but I think my work life is about to get alot busier, so figured I'd take the time while I can.

Carol Tiffin James said...

It looks like several days here in Maine of more rain and some humidity. Yuck. I'm sure the gardens love it, though.

The cable company is actually in our neighborhood stringing lines. I'm hoping that before the summer's up I will have high-speed internet and can visit your blog on a more regular basis! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Ed and I keep talking about how we need to come visit your area and meet you one of these days. Neither he nor I have ever been to PEI and would love to see it. Your pictures are always so beautiful. We'll help you eat your asparagus!

Here's to summer and better weather...

Cuidado said...

I am eating an asparagus and tomato sandwich at this minute for my lunch. Delicious! I still have plenty. I met a cyclist from Maine last week. He came here to escaper the rainy weather there but was not successful. Yes, come up and we'll meet in person.

I've just come from the garden and you're right about the plants (and weeds) loving this moisture. I love spring but could use some summer weather.

Cuidado said...

Aaron, Yes, better get rested up for heavy work and the upcoming VACATION. Counting the weeks now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you cuidado for the Ellis Hall,i appreciate it very much,you have good taste in music.Get some rest.