Monday, June 09, 2008

I'm a Dan Fan

Gosh it's nine am already and I'm not half through all I have to do this morning before work at noon. I'm going to have to get up earlier than five-thirty if I want to post anything longer than a photo and some music links. Since I can't go backward in time and actually slept in a bit, this is the best I can do.

I'm going to feature the wonderful Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks today. Today's photo of apple blossoms on my Shutterchance blog goes better with the first song than today's photo of apple blossoms here. I loved this group so much back in the seventies but only hear of them when I visit Dan's website. Garden in the Rain is the song for today but let me tell you that the song has nothing to do with our weather. We are sunny and warm and it's like heaven here. Fun songs are a trademark of Dan and His Hot Licks. Here's My Cello in that vein. Here's a couple more... How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away, The Piano Has Been Drinking, C'mon a My House, and some serious ones, Walk Right In, I Scare Myself, and Our Love Is Here To Stay. I'll end with a phrase all Dan Fans will know....Thanks, Dan.

I hope to have more time tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I love the star shape formed by the open blossom surrounded by the closed ones.

Cuidado said...

Thanks, Michael. It's a bit blurry as I put the wrong one up but am too lazy to change it.