Sunday, March 09, 2008

Good Vibes Please

I am counting the minutes till my oldest son arrives and the hours till I am admitted to hospital. I'm not nervous really and am looking forward to just getting it over with. The waiting is always the hardest part for me. I've been told over and over again how it is the most painful surgery you can have so that's not anything to look forward to but heck I've had three children without medication of any kind so I know I can handle it.

I'm looking for good vibes so if at 9 am Atlantic you can send good vibes, please do. Steve, brother out west, you can be excused as you'll be sleeping but if Ellie's up with hot flashes.....

Someone to Watch Over Me is one of my favorite Gershwin songs. I have lots of versions. Here are a couple of great ones by Renee Olstead and Blossom Dearie. Here's a link to Renee Olstead performing the song on Youtube.


Ralph said...

Always good thoughts, C!

Anonymous said...

My vibes are going your way already.
Nic and I will be over in 3 weeks to see ya. We are going to go pick up Cath.
Luv ya sis.

Anonymous said...

Well if i'm up then i'll send vibes. I'll send as soon as i get up. I'll call cath tomorrow morning to check up on you. Good luck tomorrow sis.
Love You
Steve and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Still keeping my fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

I just heard from Sis's son and the kidney came out well and everything went as planned. The doctor was very optimistic about everything, so it looks like Mary will be home in 5 or 6 days. Thanks for all the prayers and comments.
Brother Steve

xenmate said...

Nothing but good vibes from the other side of the Atlantic!