Thursday, April 24, 2008

Drawing Board

Well, Ralph, I'll say this right away. Today's first song is for you. I just read you comment on yesterday's post and the last thing you said was 'this too shall pass'. I opened my music player and the first song is This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt. It's worth a listen too. I was just looking at what else I have by Schmidt and there's something very appropriate in the folder, Drawing Board. I've been drawing, painting and varnishing all day so it fits right in and makes the search for the right music easy today.

Some days are harder than others. In my profile under music it says I am a collector of songs. I am certainly that. My problem is that I can't usually remember who did the song and it is very hard to find versions I want as everything is filed to the performer's name.

I had planned to put up rain songs, until I opened the music player and found This Too... It has been raining all day and we're forecast to get wet snow tonight. I canceled a morning dental appointment but will keep tomorrow afternoon's physio appointment. I don't think it will amount to much and it's not a dental emergency I'm canceling. Maybe if I don't play music about rain or snow.....

Update: At 5:03 there is a snow/rain combination. This does not look good. It wasn't supposed to start till tonight.


Anonymous said...

Rain to sleet to a brief snow squall with huge, fat flakes. Really pisses me off after the 16 and 18 degrees (Celsius) we had earlier this week. The rain was bad enough (first day in three weeks I missed my walk) but I've really had enough of the damned snow...

Cuidado said...

Is it over yet? You can at least be assured it won't last long. Walk in it anyway. Snow or rain doesn't stop me.

Ralph said...

Sorry Im missed this when it was new, my dear. Thanks for the dedication. I don't have bloglines on this Delaware computer, there's litle time for 'puter sitting anyway,--for many reasons there's little time to peruse my friends' blogs. Also, the speakers here are no good, the space is too confned, etc.,etc., to listen to music....

I always save your posts for when I get home and have time all to myself to listen and listen.