I'm starting late and I'm expecting company so this may be long and drawn out over time. Having had a glorious half hour out in the sunshine with the kitties is my reason for being late. The warm, beautiful sunshine is very welcome.
I arrived a day early for an appointment this morning. I believe I may have reported that happening once since starting this blog over three years ago. I once arrived at the annual music festival, where my son was playing in the jazz band, and there wasn't a car in the parking lot of the theater where it was being held. I couldn't understand it. That was the first time. This was the third. I hate when that happens. Worst is I have to drive back over to this appointment tomorrow and with the new high price of gas.....
Amazingly PEI's price controlled gas went up at midnight and so did world oil prices to $112. Just after saying yesterday my fears of how our economy won't be able to handle it. I feared that type of increase too as they're predicting even higher costs for oil this summer. Out price on PEI will rise again on April 30th most certainly.
Doomy and gloomy. Sorry. I have the perfect song. I Scare Myself is from Dan Hicks. Kat played some Dan yesterday too. I still have a couple of vinyls of Dan Hicks and His Hotlicks and love to share. Here's The Piano Has Been Drinking, Our Love Is Here To Stay, How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away , Walk Right In, C'mon a My House, Just to break things up...Chemi Eri with a version C'mon a My House
Some strange Groundhog Day (the movie) thing just happened. I linked the two new songs and they were no longer linked. Ok....... I've done t again.
You and your weird happenings. Cue "Twlight Zone" music...
Know waht you mean about gas prices--this is where Mr. and Ms. First World will really feel the pinch. Wish I could compare our prices to yours. Delaware gas is always cheaper than here, for some reason, and we try to fill up while there and then make it last until we go back. We paid $3.27/gallon this morning and here the prices range to $3.47. Sounds like you have "controlled" prices that are somehow predictable. Here it's wide open and different stations even on the same block can try to undersell each other.
Sometimes it truly is like the Twilight Zone around here.
The price for regular self-serve gas is $1.17.9 per liter this morning. Our two neighbouring province recently regulated their prices, following our example. Before that there were price wars and the like, as you describe.
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