Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring a Ling

For two days in a row we've had a large yellow thing in our sky that hasn't been seen in so long we almost forgot what it was. Sunshine!!! It is the same temperature today as yesterday - ten, but there isn't a cold north wind blowing so it is glorious. I wanted to go for a walk but have been waiting the whole day for a repairman which is one of the most frustrating things one must do.

I discovered I still had another version of A Change Is Gonna Come in the music pages. It is the Idol audition by Taylor Hicks. Randy and Paula love him but Simon says he'll never make it. Was he ever wrong!

You know I have to have spring songs for today. Spring Is Just Around the Corner by Sasha Dobson is about perfect to begin with. The John Butler Trio, the label mates of The Waifs, and Richard Shindell both have songs entitled Spring and Spring and All by Greg Brown will fit that bill. I'm feelin' so good about this weather that I want to say just that. Levon Helm will help and so will Nina Simone. They both have completely different songs with the same name - Feelin' Good.


Anonymous said...

It was up to 13 here today.
I opened all the windows around 10 and shut them aroun 4.
Nice to get some fresh air in here.
Still have a couple feet of snow here, can't wait for it to be gone so I con go out on the 4X4 and play in the mud.

Cuidado said...

Wow, Alf. Did you check out your photo on the SC blog?

Anonymous said...

Just went to your SC blog and looked at them.
They look ok.
This is the first time I got to take a good look at them,
I just took a quick glance at them when I downloaded them on your computer.

Cuidado said...

There were more hits overnight, Alf. It's up to 110 now.

Kat said...

There's that great mind thing going again. I opened with the sun, an unusual sight for me as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ma,
It is 14 degrees over here. We've lost over three feet of snow in the last few days. And S spent the day yesterday waiting for a plumber. He was supposed to arrive at 11AM, but didn't show up until 5PM. Shitty.

Today is the kind of day I wish I didn't have to work, so I could sit in the yard and drink beer...

Cuidado said...

Hey Kat, the sun is such an unusual sighting that we can't help but get excited.

Cuidado said...

Today (Tuesday) was really great too. I had a visitor all afternoon and we sat out on the deck. Fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

We had snow today :-(

Cuidado said...

No! Not Fiar, though we're supposed to have flurries on Sunday.