Sunday, January 11, 2009

C'mon a My House

I got a crazy idea yesterday, called my Aunt J and said, "Why don't you come for a two week visit?" She said, "OK, book me a ticket." It was that easy. I am so excited!. My aunt and I have our birthdays one day apart and are quite alike. We always have a good time together and like to do the same things. We talk regularly on the phone. I talked here over a year ago about the last time we were together. We stayed at my dad's and walked the woods and forests and roads for days with our cameras. She's an avid walker like me. I do hope we have some fine walking weather while she's here.

I told Aunt J that I needed help with a drawing and would give her meals and a car trip if she could help. She is an award winning artist and created the above drawing so she has no problem helping me do the bit of tweaking I need. She does a drawing of her grandchildren every year for her Christmas card and this photo is of last year's. I was planning to go see my Dad anyway, so we can now go together. We have two weeks to play the weather systems to assure good driving conditions.

I called my other aunt (J and Dad's sister) and uncle this morning to tease them a bit. I knew that the two sisters would have talked already as they talk on the phone a couple of times each day. I've been trying to talk this other aunt and uncle into coming for a visit for fifteen years. I told them, "It's a lot easier to talk Aunt J into something than it is for you two." I didn't have to twist arms, break legs, anything. I just asked nicely."

I'm glad for the whole spontaneous nature of this happening. Aunt J and I are Capricorns, our birthday's one day apart. Caps are not known for spontaneity in like situations. We like to plan and organize. We're very spontaneous at home and in other aspects but to agree to leave home like that, during a one minute phone call, is a little unusual.

Here is another version of one of my favorite songs; Rosemary Clooney this time. We've had previous versions of C'mon a My House from Chemie Eri and Dan Hicks. I so love the version by Dan Hicks. I play it a lot.

I made my daughter a Renee Olstead fan with her song Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby, another favorite. This one, Meet Me, Midnight, is for her and to celebrate Aunt J's spontaneity. Lots of good music for a Sunday. I know I have strange favorite songs but I can't explain it.


Ralph said...

Very cool and fun happening--wish I had neat relatives like that! And no, your music isn't weird.

Cuidado said...

Some would disagree about the music, Ralph. Don't Fence Me In, Is You Is Or Is You Ain't, C'mon a My House - not your standards.

This aunt recently lost her husband. She wanted me to go to Spain with her but I've planned three trips and can't afford it. I said I would go next winter

Ralph said...

All those songs have big places in my own memory, standard repertoire or not. BTW, I meant to add that drawing is incredible. What a skill she has!

Cuidado said...

Ralph, Aunt J is entirely self taught (as I am) but with major raw talent. A superb artist and craftswoman. Her quilts have been featured in magazines and are award winning. I am so excited that she will be helping me and mentoring me.