Monday, May 11, 2009

A Post From a Great Girl

Ah, Monday. The sun is shining at last after a weekend of rain . Yesterday was downright nasty with fierce winds and a temperature that dipped to zero. On a clear night this would have meant frost but with the wind and rain we were at least spared that. I worked the weekend while it rained and will be off in the sunshine. It worked out pretty good, I must say.

I found out today my car is to cost only $635.00 instead of the $1000.00 I'd expected. It is because the mechanic did not do one of the repairs as it was not deemed vital at this time . It will be vital in a while but for now he said I could skip it.

Yesterday I spoke to my son and grandchildren. My grand-daughter who is three and a half said, "I love you Grandma C cause you're a great girl." How cute is that? My son who lives at home brought lobster that I had last night after work with a nice cold beer. Heaven!

Today's photo is of a china painting done by my aunt. I will show her work from time to time. She's fantastic and I photographed all her work that is hung in her home. Of course, you must click the photo to see the true artistry.

I'm glad to be back at work. I get in great physical shape over the summer which is a great benefit. I miss doing my various art projects but there is always a long winter ahead. In it I satisfy my cre8ive and my gastronomical urges. Summer is better for my body; winter for my cre8ivity.

Everything will Work Out Fine says Joel Plaskett. It's a perfect life, eh? I think A Wonderful Life by The Felice Brothers says it all. This was one of my favorite songs of last year and here it is again. Since all the Putfile files have disappeared, a lot of the favorites have to be replaced.

How was your weekend?


Ralph said...

Nice to see you back, Cuidado. Glad the car isn't setting y9u back quite so much.

Question: what is a china painting? It sounds like a painting destined for china plate? But I'm just a layman....

Cuidado said...

Ralph - China painting is painting on china dishes. The dishes you eat from are unlikely to be hand-painted but done by machines and decals. The painting is done, the piece is fired and you have a usable plate, bowl, platter, etc.

I'm happy about the car too, Ralph - very happy.

Ralph said...

So I was right. But it looks like the painting here is on canvas? Is there some transfer process?

Cuidado said...

No painting with pure pigments and oil and firing. She made her own dinnerware set, her cups, tons of giftware like this plate shown. Her wedding present to me is a rose plate - absolutely beautiful. I will feature more of her work here. You can see why I am happy to grt lessons from her.