Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Feelin' Free

I'm having a very quiet but nice day off. I've been puttering. I had a long leisurely bath, weeded the back flower garden, filled vases with fall blooms, did the usual day-off housework chores, watched Oprah and generally recuperated from four hectic nights. I'm rather tired as I got home past my normal bedtime last night and that's hard on me. I still get up at 5:30 no matter what time I get to bed so I've had a couple of hours less sleep than I need. I'll go to bed early tonight to try to catch up. One more night of work , one more day at home, then I'm going away for a few days. I'm not sure when I'm coming back. Maybe Monday, maybe later. I love the freedom to be able to do that.

We are having fabulous weather. This is the best time to travel in the Maritimes weather-wise. A drawback though is that many businesses close on Labour Day so there aren't as many shops to visit, activities to explore or programs to attend. It's a Catch 22 situation with owners not being able to afford to stay open.

Goodness! I started this over two hours ago. A friend dropped in, had a little visit then we went off on a little adventure and I'm just getting back now. Music that I was listening to before will have to do. There's The Rest of the Day Off by Neil Finn because I know the evening is going to be good and the old folk song, Simple Song of Freedom by Tim Hardin.......just because going away is putting me in that mood - freedom!!!!!!

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