Saturday, September 29, 2007

Colourful Memories

Autumn has begun. There were record breaking high temperatures all over the Maritimes on Wednesday and the whole month has been warmer than usual. Today it is cloudy and nineteen degrees. That is probably warmer than usual but it's not summer-like. I've really been enjoying it. The cold can stay away as long as possible, as far as I'm concerned.

I have the most beautiful fall mum plant. It is pictured above but when there were more buds than blooms. It is now more blooms than buds. The golds, oranges and rusts are my favorite colours for flowers though I love reds too. Last year's mum was of the red tones and was beautiful too. This year's is huge. You could buy them everywhere for $7.99 but this one was $9.99 and I think the huge size made it worth the extra two dollars. To be sure, every season has it's beauty.

Even though I'm back to work and regular life, I keep going over my little vacation in my head. It was so wonderful! Ruthie Foster, who I love so much, has a couple of songs that take me back to to both the good parts and the bad parts of the week. One is Home and the other is Joy. Both these songs are from Ruthie's album Runaway Soul. Joy helps me think that my sister-in-law is now reunited with my brother. I think that was the thought of everyone at the ceremony on Wednesday who knew them both. They were so very much in love.

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