Monday, August 06, 2007

We Made It

Oh, what a weekend! The fact that I had no time to post is one indication. I'm tired and to me, that's another. My company left this morning and it's in total agreement that a good time was had by all. We had a great party and dinner on Saturday night. I brought the kitchen table outside and we ate on the deck but another thunderstorm began so we moved back in. It was over fairly quickly so a couple of towels to dry the wet chairs and we moved out again. The only casualty was my stereo which must have shorted with the constant thunder and lightning. It is fried.....dead!

We visited a couple of friend's who have market flower gardens over the weekend because my sister loves flowers but it wasn't really a popular activity for my sister in law. We did the beach in the evening yesterday. Now I just have to catch up on sleep. A friend who is 33 told me the other day that he has a hard time partying because it takes him a few days to get over the lost sleep. He's 33!!!

For music, I have a couple more versions of an old standard blues song. I may have already put Leadbelly's up but since most of the music is gone it would no longer be there anyway. These songs are listed with different titles but they're the same song. I have other versions of it as well. Here's Leadbelly with Where Did You Sleep Last Night and Long John Baldry with Black Girl. The song is also known as The Pines and I have it up a few times under that title.


Christine said...

Sounds like you guys had a great weekend. I'm looking at Mom's pics on Facebook as we speak.

Great song! I remember going to out in Ch'town with A the summer after we graduated HS. We went to a bar during the Blues Festival that had a great band playing. They played this song and I was amazed that they were playing Nirvana. lol. That was before I realized that almost all the songs from Nirvana's "Unplugged in New York" Album were covers of older songs...

Love this one.

Cuidado said...

I have quite a few versions but your age group would be most familiar with Kurt Cobain's version. It's an old song.

Anonymous said...

Hey Christine,
It is funny but when I saw the song I immediately thought the exact same thing! I remembered having it playing on m diskman in Mom's van, and us driving to the song cranked. Good times!

Christine said...

heh. Great minds think alike. grin