Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Where We Go

I and everyone in my community is in shock. A happy, healthy seventeen year old has suddenly had an embolism a few days after knee surgery and has passed away. Her grandmother and I closely work together as she is on the board directors of the organization I work with. Her dad worked with me at our family business when this girl was born. Entering grade twelve in a day or two and was showing her brother around the highschool for his upcoming first day there. The shock runs deep. I have no words.

I went visiting a couple of people after dinner. Brought a houswarming gift to one and had a regular visit to my senior friend. Ha, he would be a great-great uncle to this girl. These things hit everybody in a community.

Music: Where I'd head to for music at a time like this is straight to Van Morrison. I could choose from so many wonderfully fitting songs. Here are two I already have up: Across the Bridge Where Angels Come, Whenever God Shines His Light, . For today, Contacting My Angel which has personal meaning for me with this child. Van and Bob Dylan get together for Knocking On Heaven's Door. Just found out that it was already up too. Not surprisingly, all three were up on a post when my friend lost her Dad in March, two days after the funeral for my other friend's Mom on the aniversay of my Mom's death. Yes, Van's where I go.


Ocean said...

Interview today....

Ocean said...

Aren't you glad I listened to the message tonight? I am not calling...give me a call tomorrow! Don't sound so sad on the message. I love you

Cuidado said...

Very glad you listened. Not sad darling, tired.