I had a wonderful time with my little break yesterday. I planted sweet peas in pots though I'm not finished. I took 39 photos of the cats on the garden wall. A friend dropped in for a visit and I felt satisfied with the day. I had gone to town in the morning to run errands and outdoors was such a call when I came home. It's hard to confine me for too long. I've told you that one of my favorite all time songs is Don't Fence Me In. I've got tons of versions of the song and I've linked my favorite.
We're having wonderful spring rain this afternoon. It didn't start here till right before noon but I heard all morning on the radio that it was raining in Charlottetown. It's funny how many locations have their own micro-climate. We're just across the water from Ch'town and they get so much more rain and snow. The grass has greened in the last couple of hours and the daffodils have grown higher. I have quite a few open now and some forced forsythia in bloom as well. I trimmed back a huge forsythia bush and have a huge bunch taller and bigger around than me in a florist bucket that I will give to friends when it is in bloom. The bunch I have blooming, I cut a week ago.
Had to have a little break here. Windows Media Player was stuck in Limbo somewhere, necessitating a restart of the computer. It may be complaining of too much use or something. All seems well now so I can proceed with today's music. I Think It's Gonna Rain Today is my favorite Randy Newman song. Here's a version by David Grey, one by Nina Simone, and one from the great Randy Newman himself. Didn't realize those were up already. Madeleine Peyroux's live version is here too and here's some new songs for today; Karen Dalton with one version of Little Bit of Rain and one by Fred Neil. I was reminded of Karen Dalton because in this song I think she sounds like Madeleine Peyroux.