Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Musings

I loved visiting the north shore beaches last week. I keep looking at the photos. I wish it had been a less bitter day though. We really were quite cold. You can dress for the weather but when you're photographing, your hands are uncovered and your photo subject might have you facing the head-on wind.

Managed a one hour hike today but nothing strenuous. That's for tomorrow. Monday's I'm a bit tired after Sunday's shift. Had lunch and a visit with a friend and we made plans for another photo shoot/hike on Friday. I have a full week with activities of some sort every day. I was thinking about the price of gas and how it costs so much to go anywhere. I realized that if I am out driving around, the furnace at home is off whereas if I was home and not driving in the car, the furnace is on keeping me warm. A reasonable trade off that made me not feel as bad.

I'm going to invite my sister-in-law for supper tonight if she drops in after work. If she already has plans I will have cooked my supper for tomorrow night. Pretty good either way. She probably has fish planned as her hubby is returning soon.

I needed a song uploaded the other day that had been on Page One and is not longer there. It was for another reason but it's such a fantastic piece that it is good as a choice for today. Crepuscular Solidao by Bonnie Raitt and Cesaria Evora is that song. Since Bonnie is so good in that duet, song number two is another one featuring her. It is Do I Ever Cross Your Mind with Ray Charles. She certainly has a voice and a style that make her fantastic in duets. I still have her first two albums on vinyl. A lot of people aren't familiar with them because she became famous only after her third and later were released.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Uncle D will be bringing the fish home!!

Cuidado said...

The boat owner probably gets it but we'll see.