Friday, July 21, 2006

Music, More or Less

Ms. MacKenzie going trucking

I have my music back! My stereo has been in the shop since o5 April and is not fixed. The techie had a solution however. I bought a $29.95 DVD player and hooked it up to my system and I have music. I played a CD and could hear music all over the house again. Yeah!!!

I went through my music page yesterday and found some songs missing due to lack of interest. They disappear after six months of not getting a hit. I think it is sooner because at least one hasn't been up there for six months. If you have any favorites, play them once in a while to keep them up. If you'd like any of the following missing songs back up, let me know.
  • Battle of New Orleans I have Nitty Gritty Dirt Band as the singers but that has been disputed.
  • Akua Tuta by Kashtin. I so love the rhythm in this song.
  • Four Strong Winds by Ian and Sylvia. Such a classic and with everyone "going out to Alberta."
  • What a Wonderful World by Renee Olstead. I have different taste than everyone, I think.
  • Dance Me to the End of Love. Leonard's version got 12 hits. I like hers better.
  • Father and Son by Cat Stevens. Johnny Cash and Fiona Apple's version got 14 hits.
Songs with the most hits are:
  • 64 - Black Eyed Peas - My Humps
  • 57 - Mana Zucherro - Baila Morena
  • 86 - Kanye West - Gold Digger
  • 56 - Prince - Black Sweat
There are several with One, Two , Three and even Zero. I don't know what to think, really. Is anyone playing the music? Is it a waste of time to put it up? I'm kind of discouraged but will upload one appropriate song today. Music by Leela James says a lot about what has become of music through music videos etc. She wants us to get back to the MUSIC!


Unknown said...

I think that music is so easy to download that people simply make their own choices and stick to them. Most surfers don't take the time to examine other peoples choices because they're too impatient. You could spend the rest of your life listening to new songs on line.

Cuidado said...

Does this mean I shouldn't bother?

Unknown said...

Up to you, still interesting for people to know your taste in music.