Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Who's Mind is on Vacation

A quick post today. Got lost following links this morning and the time just flew. I've been linked this week and last week on Grow a Brain's blog. I've linked him since June and he put that post up this morning. Last week he asked for photos of his blog on a computer in exchange for a mention. He gets thousands of hits a day. Cool!

We placed second at trivia after being in the lead after round one. The trivia master was a fill in who we've had before. His questions are not the type where you can discuss and maybe deduce an answer but are ones where you know the answer or you don't. Lots of pop culture type questions in which we suck.

The above photo is the view I get when looking out the window at trivia.

I begin a crazy month at work today where there are only two of us to work. It can get CRAZY!

Music: Crazy by Patsy Cline and Your Mind is on Vacation by Mose Allison

1 comment:

xenmate said...

hah! I was wondering where all that traffic was coming from... great!