Monday, October 22, 2007

October Daisies

This is a photo from today's hike. I saw a whole lot of daisies two weeks ago but didn't get a picture. Daisies are usually gone by this time of year but this year we are in the twenties temperature wise in late October. Amazing! It's wonderful. You don't expect each hike in October to have to wear tank tops or else sweat to death. That's what it's been like though. Did I say amazing! ?! I did two and a half hours today. It was almost the same route as last week's hike in the rain. There was a real difference, in one week, of the number of trees with leaves. We had very strong winds this weekend and a lot of leaves were blown off. Still pretty though as there are even trees with green leaves that haven't changed yet. The colour season is extended this year.

I should be outside giving a last mowing and if I can talk myself into it, I'll do it after supper. We're expecting rain for a couple of days and lower temps after that so not mowing weather and it definitely has to be mowed again. Oh, strength! I have to get some gardening done after the rain too but that won't be a pain in the a$$ like mowing is.

For music I have a couple of songs by Eilen Jewell. I had her song Too Hot to Sleep up in August. Today, for wondering how long this great autumn is going to las, is How Long and for today's wonderful hike it's Walking Down the Line.

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