I've probably said this before - I love Friday! Getting off work an hour early may not seem like much but it makes a huge difference, I find. Especially after working the night before. I like schedules and the night work once every two weeks messes me up. I've got three days off though I'm working a shift at another job on Sunday. I kind of need the break. I have a friend coming out for the day and night tomorrow which will be great fun.
I found a little baby mouse outside at work yesterday. He was still at the same place today. I moved it out of the window well and gave it some cheese and water. It didn't acknowledge either and had moved away from the cheese after a while. I doubt if it will make it. I certainly couldn't bring it home as the cats would have thought I was bringing a treat. Oh, well! Poor mousie.
I haven't played any Dan Hicks or Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks in a while. I've been a huge fan since the early seventies and play him a lot. It's time to do it here. Here's Dan with Walk Right In and The Hot Licks help out on C'mon a My House, one of my favorite of his songs. It is one of the disappeared ones but it's back again.