Friday, October 05, 2007

It's a Whew!

It's been a busy but wonderful day. I went turkey shopping and errand running this morning and walked a two hour hike this afternoon. At twenty-one degrees, it was warmer for hiking than my usual morning time but there was a nice breeze at certain parts. I walked a part that I'm a bit unfamiliar with and got us lost twice but knew I wasn't really lost. After a hundred feet or so I would realize that this just wasn't the right road, so would turn around. I had a very trusting walking partner who knew I'd get us out alive. LOL

I'll sleep well tonight. My walking partner is a very fast walker and in really good shape. I was out of breath a few times but soldiered on. I could have a nap now but won't because I'm cooking a curry for supper and then making pies this evening. A couple of pumpkin and maybe an apple are on the list though I may bake the apple tomorrow because I can't really pick apples in the dark and I need to rest right now. I also have to make cranberry sauce and get things prepared for dressing. It's a little overwhelming that I have to organize and get all these things done with such little notice. I should pay more attention to things like the calendar sometimes. I pay close attention to other things but can't do it all. I wanted to make a special cd for tomorrow's dinner too. We'll see. Food first.

Music: Bettye LaVette is so darned fabulous! I listen to her a lot. She is so, so soulful. I think all of her songs are covers and most, she does a better job than the writer of the song, An example is Lucinda Williams' Joy. Here's Bettye with a cover of Tracey Chapman's Down to Zero and I Can't Stop. Those songs seem to fit with Thanksgiving dinner on short notice prep.

Just realized there is more hacking/fooling around with the music pages host. Now it seems the name of the file is unable to be saved. I tried twice. My pages information is back online. Who knows?


Ocean said...

Go to my blog and look at the old picture of Clarke! Love ya

Cuidado said...

Really cute! Ryan is so funny!