Thursday, May 22, 2008


The day is full of sunshine - at long last. There are towering cumulus on the eastern horizon so we may have a thunderstorm but until then.... I will enjoy sunshine. My tulips have a disease. If you click the photo it greatly enlarges and you can see the disease. Does anyone know about it. Should I dig up affected tulips or is it caused by an insect?

I have clothes on my clothesline today. My son fixed it almost a week ago but we haven't had a day without rain since. I love the sheets on the line best but all the clothes smell so much better. I don't know if that translates to industrial cities or polluted places but the sea-filled air here is wonderful and I love it on my sheets.

The boy is sick at home with the flu today. I think it may be the first day he's ever been off sick. He went into work and got the crew started and is a phone call and short distance away if they need him. He rented three movies and has laid on the couch for the day. I've waited on him hand and foor, and made chicken, black bean, rice soup. The flu struck PEI quite late this year and has been making the rounds. It's been twenty years since I've had it and I pray I don't get it now.

After being listed in The Best Photoblogs in the World yesterday, I was listed on the front page of the e-edition of The Guardian, Charlottetown's newspaper, as well....on the same day. They listed two of my blogs, this and Shutterchance, on the left under community bloggers. Two of the other three listed are on my daily blog roll so I feel in good company but I must say I'm a bit surprised.

Music today is from a couple of Maritime singer songwriters. I may already have this song up but can't find where at the moment. If so, here it is again.... Love this Town from Joel Plaskett and I am replacing Rose Cousin's absolutely beautiful song If You Were For Me. She's from here on PEI>


Anonymous said...

The Guardian, I must hasten to say , is not "Charlottetown's" newspaper.
Our motto - Covers the Island like the Dew.
While our sister paper the Journal Pioneer has excellent coverage of Summerside, The Guardian has staff and carries stories from all parts of Prince Edward Island.
We all like great photos.
Keep up the good work Mary and congratulations.

Cuidado said...

Thanks, Nigel. Sorry about the Charlottetown error rather than saying the Island. Like Canada is Toronto, Prince Edward Island is Charlottetown.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are getting due exposure for your photographic talents. Keep up the great work!