Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Cloudy Day on the Island

Bella likes the lupins

Clarke likes the new stones

Just walked up the road to pick some lupins. Got three beautiful vases full. I have tons in my yard but they're mostly purple with just a few pinks. The ditches have more variety.

Because of my short walk I missed a phone call from my surrogate aunt who lives in Florida. We e-mail almost daily but don't get to talk that often. She is my mom's first cousin and they lived side by side growing up. My mom was an only child so this woman is the closest to a sister she had. That's why I think of her as an aunt. She's taken care of me in the past when I needed it and always treated me very well. I hope she calls back.

Blogger really is not working well these days. I want to upload three photos with this post but so far only one will upload. I'm assuming the problem is blogger but then again, my son is home from Halifax and he's connected to my modem with his laptop and is most likely downloading movies at the same time.

I give up. Two photos will have to do. Check out Pictures and Pursuits for more if I can get them up on there.

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