Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Last Lupins

How to cause an uproar on PEI...... Cut the lupins down! Yes, that was the leading story with the local media yesterday. The Department of Transportation is cutting the lupins out of all the ditches on the Island. They are considered weeds. Lupins are featured in every tourist brochure and postcard, have been on the cover of the government's tourist guide and the telephone book and are a wonderful symbol of the Island.

They do spread into fields but farmers can plow them out if they invade. They seem to control themselves from taking over. Where they were thick, they get thin and start in a new area. After thinning out for a few years, they disappear in that area.

I have a new photoblog for weekly photo challenges. It will have different photos than the other one...photos specific to challenges.

I can see Clarke out on the lawn with a mouse. What a hunter! I no longer feed birds. I had the girls trained from birth not to bother birds. Birds would actually land beside the cats without fear. Then came Clarke. No training would work for him so I gave away the bird seed and look at bird pictures and listen to bird sounds on the net. I still love him.

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