Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hunkering Down

Put on a lovely big pot of beef soup for tonight's dinner, had an early lunch and was back out playing in the snow before noon. The wind had begun to rise by then so my ears were colder than they had been before. I didn't wear the right hat for a windy day.

Oh, but what a glorious walk! I didn't take many photos. It was snowing so I had the camera in an inconvenient backpack. The snow wasn't deep and there was lots of stubble. I could have made the walk without snowshoes but oh well, I got the extra legwork. Only saw one set of tracks and lacking skills in that department, I couldn't identify them.

We've had flurries most of the day and I guess tonight we are headed for the big deep freeze. I say bring it on. I can't imagine I'll get as much pleasure out of the first cold spell as the second snow but maybe I will.

Music: I said a few days ago that I'd put up some newer music that I'd discovered. One is really, really funny to me because I have a little brother with the same name as this song and amazingly it is about a little brother. Here's Alfie by Lily Allen. I like this guy's sound. I've had his songs for a couple of months but never put any up. He's Brett Dennon and this song is called There Is So Much More.


Gannet Girl said...

I love images of marshes in winter.

Cuidado said...

I was looking outside a minute ago and the sun is out today,leaving the pond and marsh looking very beautiful