Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Walking This Life

It has been a day for walking. I went for two walks and a half hour after I returned from the second, I had a call asking if I'd like to walk to the beach. I was expecting the favorite ex so declined. It was really a beautiful day to be outside; around minus 5 or warmer and sunny, no wind, absolutely gorgeous.

Something weird is happening to my computer today. It's time to reboot, something I only do when necessary. Stupid, I know, but mainly lazy.

Music: First, Walkin' Blues by Dutchie Mason. Click the link to save yourself the time looking it up. Also, Luz de Luna by Chevala Vargas and Cielito Lindo, a song which brings me straight to Mexico. This version by Los Panchos, of the many I have, is the most Mexican-authentic. I'm in a very latin music mood these days, dancing when I'm not walking, and dreaming of warmer climates.


Ocean said...

Ma, that is a really cute picture! I even saved it.
I walked 20 blocks yesterday morning!!! And up like 6 flights of stairs.

Cuidado said...

Good for you, Sweetie. I was going to visit with your Grandma yesterday but she was asleep.