A repeat. I've been passing by beds of them and wanted to see a red poppy close up so that's the reason last years's photo is up today. Better and safer than stopping at stranger's gardens. They're beautiful, both close up and far away.

My car saga continues. I managed to pick up my car on time after leaving work early yesterday. I was about two kilometers from home and it stalled. It had threatened to a couple of times. I walked home at a monster pace, adrenalin rushing and my favorite ex (sisiter-in-law) Toyota is closed till Tuesday. My car will start but it won't go far, I don't expect, but got me back and forth to work today. I'm pissed. I've paid for two repairs, neither of which fixed my problem. It's a long weekend and I can't go anywhere safely. I was planning to go to an awesome sounding party tonight and I'm going to stay home. Bummer!
I had a couple of songs by Loudon Wainwright a week or so ago. It's time for Rufus this week. I love all those Wainwrights, as is noticable if you've paid attention to the music featured here every day. First up is a song he and Dido performed for the soundtrack of Bridgit Jones - The Edge of Reason - I Eat dinner (when the hunger strikes) ......This while I smell my delicious dinner cooking. I'll have to check that his original, solo version isn't already up. What I'm not doing tonight is Going To a Town. That's sad, I'd have thought but not if you listen to Rufus. Why bother going to town? The second is from his newest album, Release The Stars.