Saturday, June 02, 2007

Music For Ducks, Music by Duhks

In for a little break from outside. It's quite nice though it's windy. The temperature is fourteen and it's sunny. I've been puttering outside all day and have had two walks already. I still didn't walk to the beach which was planned but may get there yet.

The ducks in the photo are from a park in Halifax. I got only a few photos as the park has stopped selling food to feed the ducks and have signs asking people to stop the practice. The ducks can't read, sadly, but some people are ignoring the requests, and the ducks are happy for it. I seem to be missing the ten ducklings that had hatched on Sunday. I haven't seen them in the pond since. They're probably still there, just hiding.

My children are all gathering again as there has been a death in my ex-husband's family. Just last week I was saying how nice it was to have everyone together when it wasn't for a funeral. This week, in comparison, will be very sad for everyone.

Music today is for the ducks and it's all Canadian. I've got Harry Manx and Kevin Breit with Diving Duck Blues and Kathleen Edwards with Sweet Little Duck. Here's a couple of links to the Duhks that I already have up there on Page One. The Duhks are pronounced The Ducks. I've heard they separated and hope that's not true. I like them a lot after seeing them a few years back. Here's one, two, three.


Carol Tiffin James said...

I absolutely love the picture!!

Cuidado said...

Thanks, Carol. Ducks are amazing.

Anonymous said...

The Duhks are most definitely not separated. Their vocalist has left the band but they have another great singer from Winnipeg filling in for the summer and will be looking for a permanent replacement in the fall.

Cuidado said...

Good to know! is it the female or male vocalist who has left?