Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Small Peek

My niece at prom. Credit to Cody Caissie for the photo.

I know I go on and on about the weather. The introduction to this blog does says that it's a glimpse of a small life, and the weather is a big part of it all, so.......

What an amazing thunderstorm we had last night! It hit here around 3:30 am and was the most awesome storm I've witnessed in a long time. I swear there was enough light to read a book by and the thunder was rolling and very, very loud. It was really close, went away for a bit and came back very close again. Bella was lying on the bed and awake too. I went to the bathroom and found Kenz sitting outside my room, looking in, scared. The cats are very respective of individual space and will not usually get on the bed with me at the same time. I could tell she was really scared so I picked her up and walked around with her for a bit.

For music, Wasnt That A Mighty Storm by Nancy Griffiths Oh, no. I just realized I have that font problem again. Sorry. Bear with me. I'm a luddite sometimes. For music today Allison Crowe is saying it best about the last two nights sleep for me. For last night Throw Your Arms Around Me and for the dream/awakening the night before, Skeletons and Spirits. Sorry about the font thing.

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