I love this photo of Kenz taken two years ago. It was scanned in low resolution so is not great from that respect but the pose is pure Kenz.
I had a regular sized pumpkin on my Shutterchance blog today and some commented that they'd never seen pumpkins so big. It was smaller than the one behind Kenz. I happened to have taken some photos of a giant pumpkin this afternoon in front of a grocery store. I made a post on a blog I use for photo challenges and linked to it for the people who had never seen a big pumpkin. This pumpkin is on a standard pallet and I asked a man who was walking into the grocery store to pose to further show scale. It's not the biggest one I've seen but it's pretty big. Here's the link.
It's been an incredibly busy day in that I'm just getting to this now. I've run lots of errands and completed lots of jobs. That's a good feeling. I had a problem with my car checked out and have to listen for this and that tomorrow. Oh, oh...I'm not very good at car diagnosis or even listening for errant sounds.
There is so much great music on Lonely Girls. I'm not finished with it yet. Today it's Norah Jones with Don't Miss You At All. Harry Manx is contributing too, with Don't Forget to Miss Me. Love that Harry Manx!