Thursday, February 08, 2007

Always a Bit Confused About It All

Chickadee At Night

My camera is home. Hurrah! Now I'll have to get busy.

Today was town day. Appointments happen. When you live out of town and love the fact that you do, you go to town as seldom as possible. This is more so since gas has become expensive but for me it's always been a way of life. You cram as much into the day as possible and my personal benchmark is being home before Oprah. I got a lot done today and feel good about it. Bonus!

Music: In reference to the music of the last couple of days, Pattie Smith also does a cover of Prince's When Dove's Cry. I really like this song and like the varied covers. They're all different and bring their own meanings to the fairly heavy lyrics. I feel connections to so many songs. I am a collector or songs, as I have said in previous posts. One in my collection is Fever. Here's a version by Greg Brown, Ani DeFranco and Gillian Welsh.

Anyone who does any version of any song brings their own energy to that song. We can like one version better than the other and often that same version is not always and forever "the favorite". This is what I love most about music. It elicits an emotional response and emotions being what they are, the responses can change from day to day. Everyone has different taste. My brothers and sisters prefer rock and roll and country and we grew up in the same house with the same parents.

The differences of life are the best parts of life and are what should be celebrated. I'm not sure if anyone gets this.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is because you are SO much older than us,LOL.

Cuidado said...

and wiser....

Anonymous said...

Jan Arden's new CD comes out on Tuesday. It is all old songs that inspired her over the years. Should be good.

Anonymous said...

That was from your younger dumber brother Steve by the way.

Cuidado said...

LOL. Dumber but funnier.

Anonymous said...

Steve may be dumb but he's always been pretty.