Monday, July 16, 2007

Music Always Fits

We're half way through July and I can happily say summer has finally arrived. It's very hot but I've not heard anyone complaining. We needed some heat as it seems to have a direct effect on people's moods after all the rain we've had. Everyone is smiling!

I was doing some real physical labour at work again today in all this heat. I had arrived at work nicely dressed and brought work clothes. After four hours of extreme perspiring there was no way I was going to put my nice clothes on again. I came home and had a shower. It's really nice working only two minutes from home and having other staff. Worked for me.

Yes, I have some music to fit this last paragraph. Rosie Thomas has a couple of songs that would fit. One is Pretty Dress. The other is Two Dollar Shoes. There is music to fit every situation.

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