Back to normal today; not hung over, returned to work with a newly hired student to orient and take care of. I've known him his whole life so that's kind of cool. Still haven't got to the bottom of my car problems. Toyota thinks it may be the distributor (very expensive part) but aren't sure. I've ordered a gas filter which is someone else's suggestion. It costs $25.00.
Every moment outside this weekend required the wearing of a sweater....in July. I'm not sure if I remember a cold summer like this ever happening before. The whole week is supposed to be showers, then rain and continuing cold. As I said recently, with weather, you take what you get. What else can you do?
Music today is from Harry Manx again. You know I like him and this weekend he is playing on the Island and I'm hoping to get in to see him. It depends on the car, really. Long Black Veil is one of my favorite songs and here's Harry with his version. It's hard to believe I have only one version of the song up already - Johnny Cash's which is nice because of his fabulous voice. Harry's has his characteristically fabulous guitar and wonderful rhythm. A Little Cruel is another song from Harry and I'm not sure that he isn't talking about our weather.
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