Friday, May 04, 2007

An Adventure In Fonts


An earlier than usual post today. My body time is off again and I'm feeling very strange, like I haven't slept for days. I've been like that for three days though today I got up at the normal time. Yesterday I slept an extra 45 minutes and the day before and extra hour and a half. I don't know why I get so affected by these little time changes.

It's too cold and windy for walking or gardening today so I will be dancing. I have to dance the soreness from my body that yesterday's gardening left me with. The high today is 3 degrees and it is supposed to stay cold and cloudy with a chance of showers till Tuesday. We need some sunshine in PEI....time is passing.

I found a website which lists twenty amazing coincidences. I'll give you one each day till their done. I know a couple more I will share.

James Dean's car curse
In September 1955, James Dean was killed in a horrific car accident whilst he was driving his Porsche sports car. After the crash the car was seen as very unlucky.
a) When the car was towed away from accident scene and taken to a garage, the engine slipped out and fell onto a mechanic, shattering both of his legs.
b) Eventually the engine was bought by a doctor, who put it into his racing car and was killed shortly afterwards, during a race. Another racing driver, in the same race, was killed in his car, which had James Dean's driveshaft fitted to it.
c) When James Dean's Porsche was later repaired, the garage it was in was destroyed by fire.
d) Later the car was displayed in Sacramento, but it fell off it's mount and broke a teenagers hip.
e) In Oregon, the trailer that the car was mounted on slipped from it's towbar and smashed through the front of a shop.
f) Finally, in 1959, the car mysteriously broke into 11 pieces while it was sitting on steel supports.

Music for today: Dancable music in case you want to join in and dance with me. Hit the Road Jack by Mo'Horizon from the Putumaya album, Cover the World. It's a great version of that old classic. One just full of dancable rhythm is from k-os. Fly Paper is not as catchy as his big hit Crab Bucket but, as I say, full of dancable rhythms.

Any time I've tried to change fonts in blogger this happens. I can not get back to the default font. Sorry. I find it annoying to read three different fonts,


Anonymous said...

Sweetness looks a little "sadness."

Cuidado said...

That's her flirty, bat the eyelashes look. Not sad at all.