Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

It's pouring rain today. We haven't had all out rain like this for a long time, though I was on vacation and I think it rained then. It usually drizzles for days instead. This kind of rain is always great, I think. It's more cleansing and nourishing to the earth. Of course I have only half a new roof on and hope that rain isn't sitting trapped between the steel and old shingles. There's not a ridge cap on yet.

The Sixteenth Coincidence is probably one you've heard before. I know I had heard it before. A novel that predicted the Titanic's destiny, and another ship that almost followed
Morgan Robertson, in 1898, wrote "Futility". It described the maiden voyage of a transatlantic luxury liner named the Titan. Although it was touted as being unsinkable, it strikes an iceberg and sinks with much loss of life. In 1912 the Titanic, a transatlantic luxury liner widely touted as unsinkable strikes an iceberg and sinks with great loss of life on her maiden voyage. In the Book, the Month of the Wreck was April, same as in the real event. There were 3,000 passengers on the book; in reality, 2,207. In the Book, there were 24 Lifeboats; in reality, 20.
Months after the Titanic sank, a tramp steamer was traveling through the foggy Atlantic with only a young boy on watch. It came into his head that it had been thereabouts that the Titanic had sunk, and he was suddenly terrified by the thought of the name of his ship - the Titanian. Panic-stricken, he sounded the warning. The ship stopped, just in time: a huge iceberg loomed out of the fog directly in their path. The Titanian was saved.

Today would be my Mother's seventieth birthday. I'm so sorry she didn't get to live to this age. Her death at age sixty from early onset Alzheimers was not fair to such a great, vibrant woman. The photo is of my Mom and Dad in the happy times of their youth. I miss her and hope she knows she's being wished a happy birthday today.

Today's song, My Singing Soul by Soel is dedicated to my mother. Listening to the lyrics is so much the story of my Mother. There's even a line in here about holding her son while he died. Uncanny! Only one song today.


Anonymous said...

No doubt Grammy knows we miss her, and that she is still a massive part of our lives! I can't believe she has been gone ten years already!

Ocean said...

/i can't believe it either!! I miss her too.

Cuidado said...

Just over nine years, actually. She was too young.