Many, many people on Prince Edward Island got their workouts today courtesy of Mother Nature. I neither danced or walked, no, I shoveled. We had very wet, heavy snow again this storm. Just like last week's, it was perfect for snowmen. We got more snow this week, about 30 cm. but the winds weren't as relentless for the second day like last week's two day run. Obviously, I canceled my appointment in town and luckily, was able to be rescheduled for the same time tomorrow.
I've not been complaining about the winter weather as most people have. I was so glad to be able to get out out this year, to shoot a camera, to drive, and get along without assistance. I am now though, registering an official complaint. I would like the snow to stop. I would like this morning's snow to be the last I see for this season. It's not a lot to ask. It is the last day of March afterall and spring is everywhere else south or west of us on the continent.
Continuing with my decision to show no more snow photos here is a little pig I got a shot of when I was visiting the Percheron horse and donkey on Saturday. There were several different breeds of pigs I'd never seen before. They're being grown organically and are all pre-sold.
I'm making a children's CD today so I will take from that for this post. Dan Hicks would have to make an appearance in any children's music I would come up with. My oldest grew up on Dan Hicks and Bob Dylan. He happened to lean more toward the Bob Dylan. I'm a Dan Fan. Here's his version of C'mon a My House, an oldie that he does best of all and The Euphoneous Whale which is his best song for children. A song that entranced me when I was a kid is included too but who knows how my grandchildren will react to it. Here's The Marvelous Toy by the Chad Mitchell Trio.
Update to yesterday's post: I neglected to add a link to the second song yesterday. I fixed that this morning if you missed it.