The ducks in this photo are, of course, mallards. They frequent my pond but this morning there were at least four greenwing teals in for a visit. There were three males and one female but there may have been more. I love having ducks living, nesting and raising their young in my pond. I raised them for a few years but it requires one to be home to feed them so that part of my life is over. It was fun though, having ducks running up to see you (actually it was the food I provided) whereas the wild ones don't come up to the house. Last year I had mallards sitting but something, probably raccoons or foxes, kept finding the nest. She'd lay and sit again only to have it robbed once more. She gave up after three robberies.
Our spring is really quite far behind. We've not had much sun and the temperatures are a bit cooler than normal thus our grass is not greening. One of the aunts I visited on my vacation told me, when she called this morning, that she was going to mow today. We are weeks behind this year. I may get out to the garden tomorrow though. Some things are better done before grass starts to grow.
Everyone's talking about the new Rufus Wainwright album, Release The Stars, that is to soon hit the shelves. I'm a big fan of Rufus. I know some people don't like him but I do. This album has been touted to be his best. I was able to find some cuts to the new album before it's release, to share of course. Here's Not Ready to Love and Rules and Regulations. It has been reccommended that the album be played from start to finish....can't help you there. You'll have to get to the record store on May 15th.
Hey Mom,
K has said every morning since you left 'I miss Grandma'! And he gets super excited when he sees your picture in his room. And he points out all the books you read him. We miss you!
I miss you all too. It was so sweet when he called the other day. I will call him (and you) on Saturday.
I didn't know that he called. When did he call?
He asked me to phone him when I got home. I did and he wasn't home. He returned my call. Such a sweet boy...
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